Thursday, August 14, 2008


This was a painting I did a few months ago as an exercise in improvisation. I took a big brush, splatted three different colors onto a canvas, and then worked in detail using smaller brushes and more color. I'm really happy with how it turned out.
This is a photo of the actual painting, not a scan, so the colors like sort of dull. The actual painting is much more colorful.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Jedi Sketch

Just another Star Wars sketch, done with pencils.
Cloth is definitely one of my weaknesses as an artist, and I've never really been able to draw Jedi robes that look good. This took me a long time to draw; I was constantly erasing and re-doing parts of it. But I do like how it turned out. I'm going to try and color it with photoshop.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Darkness and Light

An undercover cop turned slave government super-agent with a bomb planted in his heart aims at taking down America's organized crime networks. That's the basis behind Darkness and Light. Here's a page of pencil art from the first e-issue of this continuously-in-production comic book I can never finish.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Comic Book Art

Here's a page I made just practing with some inking techniques.

Mech Assault

This is a quick little sketch of a Puma mech from the first Mech Assault video game. I used pencils and some grey scale markers.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Dr. Jones

Indiana Jones has always been a challenge for me to draw, mostly because of the hat. I don't know what it is about that fedora, but whenever I draw it, it just doesn't look right. This is one of the first sketches I did of Dr. Jones that looked decent. He's in the Raiders of the Lost Ark pose. This was done in pencils and cleaned up in Photoshop (my origanal pencils are usually very messy).


Privateers was a fan comic I tried to make a few months ago, that got postponed because I didn't have the right skills. The art just didn't look good. I had planned on laying it out in pencils, dry-brushing it with watercolors and then inking it with markers. I decided to postpone the project until I got better at comics book art.
Now, about half a year later, I'm planning on re-visiting the idea. The plot was about a jedi Order-66 survivor-turned Smuggler going on a quest to find a force-powered super weapons to aid the Rebellion in it's fight against the Empire. Joining my jedi-turned-smuggler are Traco Ven, a Bothan heavy weapon specialist, and Lana Dass, a starship mechanic. Aboard the light freighter Crimson Mynock the three brave pirates, thugs, stormtroopers and an Emperor's Hand during the quest to find the Staff of Ajunta Vein, a weapon that can suck the midichlorians out of a force-user.

Looking back now, some of the story is pretty tacky. I'll be changing it around and doing the whole thing in Photoshop, if I ever decide to put in the work on it.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Darth Cadeous

I've been wanting to draw Darth Cadeous for a while now... but none of my ideas were cutting it. The sketch was origanally a full-shaded and rendered pencil drawing, but I decided to got for a very, very dark style of inking with some grey-scale markers.

There are two pictures here: the origanal drawing and one I played around with in Photoshop. With the Photoshop version, I added a Legacy of the Force symbol in the background and applied the Cutout effect to it.

Dark Spider Man

This is one of my favorites, which I did about a year ago after the release of Spider Man 3. I started with a sketch of the pose I took from some old comic book adds, then went in and applied layer after layer of black prismacoloring and sharpies until I got it as black as I wanted it. I went back and cleaned it up in Photoshop.

League of Shadows

This was a doodle very loosely based on the League of Shadows from Batman Begins. I sketched it in H-B lead and inked with prismacolors.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Iron Man

This is a pencil sketch I did of Iron Man, New Avengers style, a few months ago. The actual picture was much larger, but I focused the detail mostly on this section. I plan to ink it and color it with prismacolors.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Comic Book Art

These are two comic book pages I did just for practing with comic book panels. While I've been drawing a while now, laying my art out in comic book form is rather new to me, so it't taken a bit of practice to get anything decent looking.
I layed this out in h-lead and went back and inked with sharpies and prismacolor markers.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Skar'kla Commandos

These are two insignias I created for a fictional, Star Wars mercenary-for-hire group called t he Skar'kla Commandos.